Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Oh, and...

I forgot to mention a couple other excellent things about Birdsong. One, my room was roasty toasty warm and I slept SO WELL. This was also due to one of the other excellent things: I had no snorers in my room the whole time. You might take the warm room for granted, but you can't do that here. I still haven't figured out how they have managed all these years without adequate insulation in their homes and without central heating. It doesn't get bitter cold here like it does at home, but it gets to be that damp cold that really gets inside of you and chills you all the way through. And yet their homes are incredibly drafty and cold. Luckily Beth warned me about this before I left, so I brought a warm sleeping bag. Here in Dunedin, I've been regularly going around the house in wool socks, long underwear, pants, t-shirt, thermal top, sweatshirt or sweater and my down vest. And still sitting next to the heater. You all know I'm not that much of a wuss, but oh! It gets so cold!

I have been asking around about why it is so cold in the houses and no one sees fit to do anything about it. The best answer I've received is that many homes were built cheaply back in the 50s (at least around here in Southland and Otago). They didn't bother with insulation and now people just can't be bothered to put it in. It seems so obvious to me that it would be worth the investment, but I dont' know. Maybe it costs more than I realize. Seriously, just adding SOME insulation to the walls would help to at least keep some of the heat in. And getting heat trapping window glass. Although I've been informed that good glass is very expensive here. I don't know. My takeaway lesson from this is never underestimate the power of good insulation. And be sure to sing its praises regularly! It is not to be taken for granted!! And, oh, central heating... my new love...


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