Picking pears in the treetops. Notice my hardcore sun protection: I took my sunglasses off for the photo, but I've got my sunhat, longsleeves (with sunscreen underneath just in case), long pants, close-toed shoes and a scarf to cover up my neck, since my hat works pretty well, but I'm doing lots of looking up for pears above my head, which exposes my neck and face to the sun despite my best efforts. The scarf is an interesting find, actually. I got it at the India Emporium in Auckland for free. It was supposed to be some part of a Sari, but they were giving them away. Probably because it is coming apart with the threads coming off the edges all over the place, but it worked perfectly for my purposes. And to think I just took it because it was free and I liked the color (bright golden yellow). I thought I would decorate my car with it or something, but it is perfect for this purpose! Next best thing to Alley Shopping!
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